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2023 International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathologists (IAOP 2023)


開始日期: 2023/08/23
結束日期: 2023/08/27
主辦單位: Taiwan Academy of Oral Pathology (TAOP)
地點: Howard Civil Service International House
人數: 500
大會網站: https://www.iaop2022.tw/


As much reluctant as we are, it is very unfortunate that the 21st International Congress of Oral Pathology and Medicine (IAOP 2022 in Taipei) will be postponed to August 17-21, 2023 due to COVID-19 pandemic. Kindly visit the official website of IAOP 2022, https://www.iaop2022.tw/, constantly for the most updated information.
