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International Display Manufacturing Conference (IDMC’17)


開始日期: 2017/09/20
結束日期: 2017/09/22
主辦單位: Society for Information Display – Taipei Chapter
地點: Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center
人數: 600


International Display Manufacturing Conference IDMC (International Display Manufacturing Conference) is the world’s largest seminar on flat panel display technology. Both the first and second sessions were held in South Korea. Given Taiwan’s strong image display manufacturing capabilities, the third IDMC (IDMC 2003) was actively sought by SID Taipei Chapter for the first time in February 2003 in Taiwan. With the successful experience of the third IDMC held in 2003, Taiwan once again hosted the IDMC 2005/2007/2009/2011/2013 conference. IDMC is mainly composed of SID Taipei Chapter, Jiaotong University (NCTU), Institute of Electro-Optical Studies and Display Center of Industrial Technology Research Institute (ERSO/ITRI), Ministry of Economy, Industry and Industry Bureau, Image Display Industry Promotion Office (CIPO/IDB/MOEA). ), Taiwan TFT LCD Industry Association (TTLA), China Liquid Crystal Institute (TLCS), Taiwan Flat Panel Display Materials and Components Industry Association (TDMDA), Taiwan Vacuum Technology Association (TVS) and other units co-organized, and the Ministry of Science and Technology (NSC) ), the Ministry of Education (MOE) and the Funding Fund of the United States Air Force Fundamental Research Service (AFOSR) sponsored the project, highlighting the importance of the technology in this seminar.

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