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開始日期: 2020/04/20
結束日期: 2020/04/24
協辦單位: CITI, Academic Sinica, CSROC
地點: Taipei International Convention Center
人數: 1200
大會網站: https://www2020.thewebconf.org/


Since the invention of the World Wide Web in 1989, The Web Conference (formerly known as The WWW Conference) is a yearly international conference on the topic of the World Wide Web. This conference has been the premier venue addressing the evolution and current state of the Web through the lens of computer science, computational social science, economics, public policy, and Web-based applications. The Conference assembles scholars, researchers, policymakers, practitioners, and end-users with one unifying goal: to envision and create the future of the Web.

Over the past three decades, The Web Conference has been the forum where some of the most fundamental web technologies have been introduced. These groundbreaking technologies have improved our daily lives. The Conference has also inspired new ideas for business, communication, and entertainment, such as e-commerce, online-shopping, Web/mobile payments, Web TV/phones, and Web banking. Nearly all online systems today employ Web technologies, connecting every corner of the world.
