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2023 International Symposium on Glycoconjugates (GLYCO 26)


開始日期: 2023/08/27
結束日期: 2023/09/01
主辦單位: Foundation for Research and Education of Glycosciences, Taipei, Taiwan
協辦單位: Academia Sinica
地點: Academia Sinica
人數: 500
大會網站: https://glyco26.org/


Glyco26 is the 26th International Glycoconjugate Symposium (IGS) organized under the auspices of International Glycoconjugate Organization (IGO). The first ever Symposium was held in 1964 and the second one in 1973. Since then, it was held every two years without interruption until 2021, the year in which Glyco26 was originally scheduled to take place in Taipei, Taiwan. When the COVID-19 pandemic swept the globe starting in early 2020, the IGO and the organizers of Glyco26 collectively decided to defer it to 2023 in favor of an in-person interactive format instead of a virtual meeting. It will now be held at Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan from August 27 to September 1, 2023.

Glyco26 will follow the usual IGS program format of opening on a Sunday evening with the IGO award lectures, then continue throughout the week with Plenary Lectures and parallel Scientific Sessions covering major topics related to the structure and function of glycoconjugates. Each session will spotlight two invited Keynote Lectures and several oral presentations selected from abstract submissions. The meeting will include a Society for Glycobiology (SFG) session, a special Glycochemistry session, and a pre-symposium public session on the Glycobiology of Viruses to highlight the impact of glycosciences on our understanding of viruses, including coronaviruses. Glyco26 will be further complemented by workshops focusing on glyco-informatics and glycoproteomics, pre-symposium advanced courses on select topics of glycobiology and two satellite meetings, all without charging an additional fee for interested attendees.
